April 04, 2006

Dolly clothes! (birthday gift)

well i've nearly finished the doll outfit i mentioned in my last post - it turned out to be a LOT more time consuming than i expected! I have to hem the headscarf yet but otherwise it's done...

the pattern is a 1975 original :o) i made view 5 (the red one on bottom right)

i hope bernadette likes it!! (her party's not til easter monday)


brazen's crafts said...

HA! i was tempted to hit 'reject this comment' ROFL!!!!

i'm a cheater - dh has only just gone back to work and the older two are still in daycare. (i havne't healed very quickly this time and still haven't driven and can't lift them, hang washing etc etc)

DenimAngel said...

Very cute outfit and I love the colours too. Before baby clothes I used to make loads of dolls clothes and loved it.

Janie said...

OMG my mum made those dolly clothes for me when I was a kid. I still have them too.