well, ok, i made a few at school but my first 'adult' softie. i decided to handsew him, which was a challenge as i never handsew LOL but i was pleased with him. i wish now i'd put more in his tummy as he looks a bit slim at his destination at Flossie's
i got the instructions here. he was a lot simpler than most of the other softies in our swap, but i didn't realise how gorgeous some of the others would be!
anyway, the pics are of dh modelling with eddie :o)
Brazen, he is truly adorable. I cannot believe he is entirely handsewn, you are a braver woman than me. But the results are worth it. He is wonderful! I especially love the heart.
Brazen, he is truly adorable. I cannot believe he is entirely handsewn, you are a braver woman than me. But the results are worth it. He is wonderful! I especially love the heart.
Brazen, I think he is very cute. Well done on the hand sewing I would never have done that!
Awww, he's so cute Karen. I love him. Great job girl.
Oh Brazen he is adorable, it doesn't matter how long he took he was made by you! I am a terrible handsewer, try to be neat and then loose patience.
Brazen, he's gorgeous, but I must admit to thinking something else when you mentioned adult softies!
Brazen, he is very Asian styled - very pokemon, neopet influenced.
You are a genius!!
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