May 24, 2006

ottobre hat, winter style

it's been so long since i've sewed! i am making emelia a little winter hat out of corduroy (sp). i hadn't looked at the ottobre freebies in a while so am going to make this one

after rory barely sleeping all day til mid afternoon i finally got to cut the hat out. i had just done one seam when she woke :o( so after the kids were in bed i have just been making it - it's going to be SO cute!!!

but..... i followed the directions exactly - to make the lining seam allowance sligtly smaller (so the lining fits inside the hat i guess) unfortunately now the hat is probably 2-3CM bigger than the lining. not the millimetres i cut but CM. there is NO way i can fit the lining in OMG

i am so frustrated i have given up for the night.