June 13, 2006

oh good grief!

tonight i decided to put some of today's purchases to good use and make some sweatshirts / jumpers for R&E. got my ottobre mags out and found a design for each. emelia's with a cute folded / rolled over collar and ryans with the stripes going the opposite way on each side of the top. so i traced off emelia's no probs. went to trace off ryan's - this was from teh magazine that I have lost... i copied the instructions from alice's a while back. i had lent molly one of the pattern sheets and some instructions. do you think i can find the other pattern sheets ANYWHERE???! aaagh! so then i cut emelia's top out and decided i would cut a little kimono style jacket from the leftovers, only to discover that the pattern (which i filched from mum) has no instructions! i decided i could probably figure it out only to realise that i don't quite have enough material left to make it.

now i'm too damn tired to sew! LOL